Drummoyne Public School is a dynamic kindergarten to year 6 Inner-West primary school which plays a vital role in shaping the lives and learning of our students. Our school shares this responsibility with devoted parents, carers and the Drummoyne community. Together we provide outstanding public education committed to developing future-focused learners through employing evidence based practices.
The school has an enrolment of 450 students including 49% from language backgrounds other than English. There are 44 languages or cultural groups identified. To enhance the learning and wellbeing of all students, three core values of resilience, respect, and responsibility (3R's) are embedded across the school through the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) process and rewards system.
Our students showcase their talents through extra-curricular programs including choirs, bands, strings, music, dance, chess, debating and representative sport. The community languages of Greek and Italian further enrich the curriculum.
Our school enjoys a cohesive mix of experienced and early career teachers who work collaboratively in grade and stage teams to implement high quality contemporary teaching practice. This is achieved through a carefully planned and resourced professional learning program based on school and system priorities, student performance data and staff identified need.
Our parents are valued partners and are actively involved in the life of the school with high expectations of teaching and learning and high aspirations for their children. The P & C and parent community work in strong partnership with the school fulfilling governance roles and providing excellent leadership of the community and financial support for the school.
School Information Handbook
Classes commence at 9:20am each day. At that time a chime is rung and all students assemble at designated areas for each class. Playground supervision operates from 8:50am each morning. It is not advisable for students to arrive at school prior to that time. If they do so, all students are to be seated on the wooden seats at the front entrance on Rawson Avenue until the 8:50am chime. Children are not to be on any play equipment or climbing trees before school or after school. Morning play is restricted to the North and East playgrounds only. There should be no after school games.
Lunch is from 11:20am to 12:15pm. The students stay with the class teachers for the first ten minutes to eat lunch and are then able to play. Three play areas are supervised by teaching staff.
Recess (afternoon tea break) is from 2:15pm to 2:35pm. Two teachers are on duty at this time - one in each playground (north and south).
Lessons finish at 3:20pm for the whole school. There is no after school supervision, except for students awaiting public transport. Parents are advised to be on site at 3:20pm promptly to avoid causing anxiety in the children.
School contacts
The school phone numbers are 02 9181 2636 and 02 9181 1927. An answering machine is available on 02 9181 2636 for messages out of hours.
The office is officially open between 8:45am and 3:30pm, though it is sometimes attended outside of these periods as well. Permission slips, payments, paperwork etc. can be left at any time, via the 'mailbox' slot in the door to the front office.
Our fax number is 02 9719 8741.
Should you change your contact telephone number(s) or address, please ensure you inform the school in writing as soon as possible. We must always have correct contact information in case of emergency.