Drummoyne Public School

The heart of our community

Telephone02 9181 2636


Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Staff list – 2025


John Nguyen 

Assistant Principals

Gaby Walsh (Relieving)

Koula Mavrakis

Kathy Xenos (Relieving)

Leigh Russ

Michelle O’Dowd

Beck Cantlay - Curriculum and Instruction

Class Teachers

Early Stage 1 - Gaby Walsh (Stage Supervisor)

KB -  Jessica Buchanan

KK - Ms Yeji Kim

KP -  Felicity Page (Mon / Tues Wed / Thu) & Beck Cantlay (Fri)

K/1W -  Gaby Walsh (Mon / Tues / Wed) & Suzy Sole (Thu / Fri)

Stage 1 - Koula Mavrakis (Stage Supervisor)

K/1W -  Gaby Walsh (Mon / Tues / Wed) & Suzy Sole (Thu / Fri)

1/2A -  Georgia Apostolopoulos

1/2J -  Stacey Jane

1/2P -  Poppy Adams 

1/2W -  Ashlee Ward

1/2M -  Koula Mavrakis (Mon / Tue / Wed / Fri) & Elyse Mooney (Thurs)

Stage 2 - Kathy Xenos (Stage Supervisor)

3/4A -  Maria Arruzza

3/4C -  Carolyn Allport (Mon / Tue / Wed) & Ewan Sutton (Thurs / Fri)

3/4D -  Sam Davis

3/4K -  Kathy Xenos (Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu) & Tamara Mapstone (Fri)

3/4R (Academic Enrichment Class) -  James Roche

Stage 3 - Leigh Russ (Stage Supervisor)

5/6C -  Amanda Champion

5/6H -  Jacqui Hill

5/6P -  Leah Pegler (Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri) & Elyse Mooney (Mon)

5/6O (Academic Enrichment Class) - Orla Page (Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu) & Elyse Mooney (Fri) 

Specialist Teaching Staff

Learning & Support Team Coordinator - Leigh Russ

School Counsellor - Lucy McLean (Tues & Wed) 

Teacher Librarian - Joseph Neufeld 

Italian - Lisa Cameron (Wed - Fri)

Greek -  Ashley Nouris (Mon, Thurs & Fri)

EAL/D - Michelle O’Dowd (Mon & Wed) & Kim Dionatos (Wed & Thurs)

STEAM Enrichment Program - Ewan Sutton (Mon - Wed)

CAPA Enrichment Program - Suzy Sole (Mon - Wed)

Exec Release - James Anthony (Mon)

Administration Staff                

School Administration Manager - Evelyn Kwan

School Administration Officers - Nina Patterson-Marchant, Kirsty Carter (Mon - Wed) & Gemma McDonald (Tues - Fri)

General Assistant - Phil Capra

Student Learning Support Officers

Kate Holliday (Wed - Fri), Deb Knight (Mon - Wed), Pru Goh (Wed - Fri), Alice Bensan (Tues & Thurs) & Kim Field (Mon & Tues)